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Carrie Cook

My COVID-19 Business Journey

Updated: Dec 11, 2020

The Return

On May 11, 2020, the employees started to return to work with a few on the schedule each day. This allowed me and them to slowly acclimate back to the new work environment. Each day a few more would return and it was like watching your family show up for a family reunion. It was great to see everyone and be able to hand back their roles that Chris Trembly and I picked up in their absence.

On May 15, 2020, I was going to wait until everyone was back because we have two more people to go before unveiling the prize for The Disinfectants, but one of the team members of The Disinfectants will be on vacation on Monday. And since we do not have a meeting room big enough for 6-foot social distancing for everyone, I have captured a picture below of the prize for each winning team member. Each team member of The Disinfectants earned $100.00 and a usable trophy. “Usable Trophy” definition: A trophy that can be used to wipe your ass, clean your toilet, and then put a mask on to go out and buy more toilet paper. ENJOY!

Yes, I did make these prizes myself because handmade is better than store-bought and people appreciate it more. And with this my toilet paper days are over.

On May 18, 2020, all remote access for home computers is turned off. Everyone is back to work.

On June 10, 2020, an employee has reported that they may have encountered someone with COVID-19. In an abundance of caution, we will be providing masks again to all employees until further notice. It is your discretion as to whether you elect to wear the mask. I will continue to keep you updated.

Masks are in my office and no this is not fake news.

COVID-19 is an issue that all of us are facing in our everyday lives.

No one walks around with a sign that says I have or had COVID-19 due to HIPPA laws. If someone is informed that they may have encountered someone that has received a positive result to having COVID-19 it is their discretion to self-quarantine, be tested and notify others as a precaution. It is your individual responsibility to protect yourselves as you see fit.

As a small company we have gone above and beyond to put into place every precautionary measure possible. Days like today make us realize that protective measures are still necessary.

The pandemic is real and will shape our lives for the rest of our lives.

My hope is that employees will look back at this time and say yes it was difficult, but we achieved many milestones and had a good time reaching and overcoming every obstacle with tact, ease and confidence and that we as a team can accomplish anything with the right determination and leadership.

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