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My COVID-19 Business Journey

Updated: Dec 11, 2020

Dance Videos and Creature Comforts

On March 26, 2020 we sent out the adjacent lyrics requesting a dance video to earn $100.00 and six videos were submitted. This was our public announcement with a twist. It was great to see the videos with family members involved. It warmed my heart that the interactive nature of the games was not only influencing the employees but family members as well.

On March 27, 2020 it was time to get a little more intel, but this time it was about making work a little easier from home. I assume you have heard of the various daily holidays, like National Donut Day or National Margarita Day. Why not National Creature Comfort Day!

I asked every employee to provide the one thing they missed most from not being in the office or something that would make the weeks ahead a little easy to complete your daily tasks. Keep in mind the employees think I am just asking a question at this point.

On March 30, 2020, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is working its way through Congress and you better believe that I am monitoring this closely as we are a small business navigating our way through this crisis. Yes, we did file for the assistance under the criteria established by the federal government. I think it is safe to say that no one knew what was going to happen next. For precautionary measures we filed under the PPP for all companies. This allowed us to proceed with our business without hesitation or pullback. We kept all employees fully employed during this time even though we could have reduced or furloughed employees during this time. The funds were used as intend by the federal government and we did our part to keeping the economy flowing and unemployment rates as low as possible.

“The overwhelming responses I received about what they missed most about being in the office were the people.”

On March 31, 2020, it was officially Creature Comfort Day. My family delivered all the odds and ends that employees emailed me, not realizing I was going to have them hand delivered to their home on this day. However, the overwhelming responses I received about what they missed most about being in the office were the people. In fact, 60% of the employees one item they missed were the employees. My first thought was to have a safe distance lunch event in the parking lot, but the continued increase of COVID-19 cases made me rethink this strategy. So, I knew I had to think like a millennial…

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