EPIC Games Part 4
On May 1, 2020, it was finally time to start planning to bring employees back to work, but it was not going to be the same conditions as before and we had to start preparing before others to ensure we had what we needed to reopen as smoothly as we transitioned before. Safety supply ordering and planning for employees to return began.
And with that the communications to employees began with the following message: Many of you I am sure are wondering when we are coming back to work. The management staff will be reporting back to work on Monday, May 4th. Once I have an opportunity to discuss the safety protocol for bringing remaining employees back to work, we will schedule a Zoom meeting on Monday to discuss with the rest of the staff. The transition back to work for the remainder of the staff will begin the week of May 11th, so settle in for one more week working from home.
And yes, we had to take a break from EPIC GAMES-19 to get some work done, but we are back on. The rules are simple remaining teams…assuming you have not used the nearly 300 rolls of toilet paper you all had remaining on Tuesday. You are the wedding party and your toilet paper stockpile is your attire to adorn yourself. Each team member must be a member of the wedding party. Use your creativity and provide your photos by 9 am on May 5th. Happy Rolling!
On May 4, 2020, QuaranTEAM took a trip to the beach to be there for their friends on their special day…
The Disinfectants have a same sex marriage and a ring barrier….
Thepictures for PTSD’s wedding party require some explanation: “We went with the mummy look since Pat and I would be dead before ever getting married, and Tammy will be dead if she ever must get married again.”
Who knew that toilet paper could look this good?
If you are on the jury and you know who you are, I need all jury members to vote today. You will provide me your secret ballot of the two teams you believe should move on to the final round of competition via email by 3 pm.
And the mummies did not make it to the next round.
Most of you know that our companies are considered an essential business, but I elected to provide additional safety for our employees over the last six weeks. I am very proud of how well we continued to work together as a team during this time, but now it is time to come back to the office and leave our virtual offices behind.
Please take the time to read the attached document as to the expectations of every employee and the temporary safety protocols that have been put in place as you return to the office. If you have any questions related to this document, please contact Human Resources or your respective manager. Layering the return of employees is essential to a smooth transition back to work, so please do not ask to be switched with someone else because the answer is no.
I look forward to seeing you all very soon!
Will masks need to be worn?
Yes. Masks will need to be worn daily (and all day) for the first two weeks upon return to the office. You will be asked to put on your mask as soon as you step into the office. Tammy and Chris will hand out the masks. If you arrive before Tammy to the office – see Lori for your mask. You are not to go to your desk unless you have your mask on. Do not set your things down and then get a mask. The first thing you do is put your mask on and then you can go to your desk. There will be one new mask for each employee every day for the first two weeks upon return; if you prefer to wear one from home that will be acceptable. At your lunch hour, take your mask with you and return with it on. Again, the company will only provide one per day. Keep in mind, masks may need to be worn for a longer period depending on the Governor’s rules.
Will hand sanitizers be needed?
Yes. The company will provide you with a bottle of hand sanitizer. They will be on your desk and they will not be allowed to be taken home. They are for your safety while you are in the office. Since hand sanitizer is very hard to come by, we have purchased it by the gallon and have filled up bottles for your use. They will be filled up again if you run out, please see Tammy.
Are there new seating arrangements?
Yes. Seating distance between employees will be at least 6 feet apart. Some employees may have temporary desks assigned to them.
How is the company maintaining the cleanliness of the office?
The air filters in the office have been replaced and will continue to be regularly. The offices have been deep cleaned in preparation of employees returning to the office and the company will be increasing the cleaning of the office to everyday.
How to prepare for the nightly cleaning crew?
Desks must be free of paper, pens/pencils, anything that is used daily to get your job done. This excludes phones, headsets or anything that is plugged in.
Will there be new rules for the kitchen?
Yes. There can only be two people in the kitchen, 6 feet apart, always. Please minimize your time and frequency in the kitchen. Upon entry to the kitchen, we ask that you put on gloves for the protection of yourself and others. You will need to discard those same gloves upon leaving in one of the trash cans located at each door in the kitchen. Do not line up at the door to wait for your turn – if this happens the kitchen will be shut down until further notice.
What is the new refrigerator etiquette?
All community condiments have been removed until further notice. The refrigerator is to be cleaned out daily- no items can be stored overnight in the refrigerator. Due to the limited space and potential for increased space demand, the refrigerator is intended for your daily consumption only and will not be able to act as interim storage for shopping excursions.
Why have eating utensils been removed from the kitchen?
Eating utensils must be individually wrapped to comply with COVID-19 regulations. Although they have been ordered, they may not arrive before employees return to work. Please prepare to bring your own utensils should your meal require them.
Can we eat lunch in the kitchen?
No. However, we have set up six eating areas in offices for your use. The training room and the marketing room can be used by two occupants each and the two offices at the entrance of Ignite Funding can be used by one occupant each. Please keep these areas neat and tidy for the next user.
Will we continue the Kitchen Cleaning Calendar?
Yes and No. The nightly cleaning crew will be doing their clean-up for now. We will return to using it once the Governor’s rules allow standard operating procedures.
How will we continue our weekly meetings?
As always, weekly meetings will be held in the training room. However, we have taken the proper precautions and separated everyone by 6 feet. Upon entering or exiting the room, all must maintain 6 feet apart for the protection of yourself and others.
How will we handle meetings with clients in the office?
All client meetings will be moved to the Preferred Trust conference room. This room gives us the recommended distance apart to safely conduct meetings. All meetings will be scheduled with Misty. Misty will contact Chris to confirm the availability of the conference room for the meeting. The 2 front offices (at Ignite Funding) do not provide adequate protection for the employee and client so they will only be used as a one-person employee breakroom. We ask that you continue to encourage the clients to complete their paperwork online as much as possible. Note: We will provide a mask to a client upon request.
Will we be able to go in and out of the front doors to use the restrooms in the main lobby?
Yes. We ask that you bring a fresh towel back from the restroom and use it on the door handle of the front door not the glass. There is a trashcan next to the doors so you can discard the paper towel. The inside door handles will be wiped down nightly.
What will be the temporary rules for using the copier?
You will only be able to use the copier with a stylus. Each employee will be provided one and only one. If you need to load paper in the machine – put on gloves and load the machine. At NO time should any employee be touching the copier with their bare hands.
What is the temporary protocol for the postage machine?
All mail should be placed in the “Out” basket that is next to the postage machine. Tammy will be the only one to operate the machine until we return to the standard operating practices.
Will there be a temporary change for getting office supplies?
Yes. All office supplies will be issued through Tammy and Chris. That means if you need a pen, a notebook or post-it pads, please ask Tammy or Chris for it. The less hands we have on supplies the less the germs will get spread around.
What happens at the end of the day?
At the end of the day, please discard your mask as you walk out the door. A trashcan will be provided by the door for your used masks. Please do not take off your mask 10 minutes to 5:00 and chit-chat. It would defeat the purpose of the temporary procedures that have been put into place to keep us all protected.
At this time of crisis, we ask that you refrain from any shenanigans that involve touching other employees’ items or items on their desks. We realize that we all can use a laugh and that is fine but not when it involves the property of others during the pandemic. Erring on the side of caution is for the best of us all.
Just as before if you are sick…stay at home. A physician’s statement or a fitness for duty certificate may be required where absence is continuous for a period of 3 working days and after surgery or accident, regardless of the length of absence. A medical statement may also be requested at the discretion of the Company Human Resources Representative when the absence is less than 3 days. Failing to report an absence properly can be grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal.
Protection supplies are hard to find. Please use only what is needed and do not take any home. We are all in this together.