This is the one place I will tell you that you should be selfish.

When is there time to take care of yourself? This is the one place I will tell you that you should be selfish. I am sure you have heard the saying that you must love yourself before you can love others. Loving yourself means feeling good about yourself, not that you are a Hollywood toothpick. There are 24 hours in a day, so you are lying to yourself if you cannot give yourself thirty minutes to take care for yourself. Caring for yourself comes in many forms. Are you ready for all of mine?
“Fitness comes in many forms, all of which relives stress and makes you feel good about yourself.”
Shopping therapy does wonders and you can get some exercise in too. Get outside and go for a bike ride with your child, climb up and down the stairs at home for 30 minutes (it will make wearing heels for 8 hours seem easy), spend $20 and go to a hot yoga class so you can tell your friend you did it (drink tons of water the day you decide to do this), pedal your air bike while you watch your favorite sitcom, go for a drive to clear your mind while Hotel California plays over and over again (yes, even your mind needs a break), take one of your co-workers to a boxing class and put your least favorite person’s picture on the boxing bag, splurge and go for a massage, get the whole family involved in working out three days a week for 30 minutes, challenge your co-workers to participate in a Fit Bit challenge and beat them. I think you get my point. Fitness comes in many forms, all of which relives stress and makes you feel good about yourself.