Mentors and Interns

Having a mentor and being a mentor is the most important role everyone should experience, whether the mentee or mentor. Naturally, we go through life having many opportunities to be mentored, but how many of us take the opportunity by the horns? Unfortunately, as I age, I see this less and less. I even find it hard to be a mentor as the mentality of the young generation is that they are smarter than you. Books can make you smart, but I promise your life experiences are what make you smarter. Look around you and identify a person in your life that you consider smarter and learn something from them and then move on to the next mentor.
“Books can make you smart, but I promise, your life experiences are what make you smarter.”
One mentor is not enough to get through life. Mentorship takes on many forms. Most associate a mentor with a young person looking up to an adult, and that is true. Typically, this form of mentorship is in the development of values and/or morals. What happens when you go to college and that mentor is no longer in your life day to day? You must grab the bull by the horns and find the next mentor. This could come in the form of an unpaid summer internship. Why unpaid? Because when you are not paid, you tend to work harder to show the company that you are an intern that is worth paying because of the quality of your work ethics and quality of work. Meanwhile you are learning a new trade or preparing for a future role in a career. Heck you may discover a trade you really do not like. An internship is an opportunity to discover a career path, good or bad. No need to define your whole life with four years of college.